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Problem Solving


Lessons Learned

  1. Lessons Learned


  1. LC - E - 2. Add Two Numbers

  2. LC - E - 14. Longest Common Prefix

  3. LC - E - 20. Valid Parentheses (stack, map)

  4. LC - E - 141. Linked List Cycle (unordered_set, Floyd's Cycle Detection Algorithm - Two Pointers)

  5. LC - E - 242. Valid Anagram (unordered_map)

  6. LC - E - 257. Binary Tree Paths (DFS)

  7. LC - E - 258. Add Digits

  8. LC - E - 263. Ugly Number

  9. LC - E - 268. Missing Number (bit manipulation)

  10. LC - E - 338. Counting Bits

  11. LC - E - 344. Reverse String

  12. LC - E - 383. Ransom Note (map)

  13. LC - E - 762. Prime Number of Set Bits in Binary Representation (bit manipulation)

  14. LC - E - 796. Rotate String (sprintf, strstr)

  15. LC - E - 404. Sum of Left Leaves (DFS)

  16. LC - E - 1047. Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String 1 (stack)

  17. LC - E - 1122. Relative Sort Array (map, multiset)

  18. LC - E - 1209. Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String 2 (stack, recursion)

  19. LC - E - 1356. Sort Integers by The Number of 1 Bits (struct, qsort, bubble sort)

  20. LC - E - 2220. Minimum Bit Flips to Convert Number

  21. LC - E - 2595. Number of Even and Odd Bits

  22. LC - M - 658. Find K Closest Elements (multimap, vector, sort)

Elements of Programming Interviews

  1. EPI - 5.1. Computing the Parity of a Word (bit manipulation)

  2. EPI - 5.4. Find a Closest Integer with the Same Weight (bit manipulation)

  3. EPI - 6.7. Buy and Sell a Stock Once

  4. EPI - 7.1. Interconvert Strings and Integers